A study of health profile and effects of ambient air pollution among auto drivers of Bangalore city
Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Lifestyle, Occupational Health, Quality of life, Surveys and QuestionnairesAbstract
Background: Auto drivers battle several occupational health hazards due to increasing pollution and unhealthy lifestyle. Improper diet and sleeping habits coupled with smoking, tobacco and alcohol use make them prone to respiratory and cardiovascular health hazards. Objectives: To assess the health status and quality of life (QoL) among auto drivers in Bangalore city and to study the association of selected parameters with respiratory and cardiac morbidities. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 450 auto drivers were given a questionnaire and they were distributed according to age, education, body mass index, smoking, tobacco and/or alcohol consumption. The QoL was assessed by World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument (WHOQOL-BREF) and peak expiratory flow, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels for each participant were recorded. The association between two categorical variables was determined by Chi-square test and p?0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The association of number of years of driving with prevalence of chronic morbidity (p=0.005), hypertension (p=0.008), diabetes (p<0.001), and heart disease (p=0.04) were significant. QoL for physical and environmental domain were 16.11±0.28 and 12.48±0.06, respectively. Conclusion: A proportional increase in the risk of respiratory and cardiac morbidities with increasing number of driving years was observed among auto drivers.
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