A Study Of Fungal Colonization In Newborn


  • S Rashid Husain
  • M Ashraf Malik
  • Abida Malik


Research Problem: What are the factors responsible for fungal colonization in newborns? Objective: To study the pattern of and predisposing fac­tors for the development of superficial candidiasis and fungal colonization in the newborns. Study Design: Prospective study. Setting: Neonatology unitof the Paediatrics department of a teaching hospital. Participants: Randomly selected pregnant mothers admit­ted to the maternity ward and the newborns delivered to them. Sample Size: 120 pregnant mothers and the newborns delivered. Study Variables: Candida, Site of colonization. Statistical Analysis: By tests of significance Results: Candida was isolated from 23 (19.16%) infants on the first day increasing to 52 (43.33%) infants on the sixth day. The most common site of colonization was oral cavity. Candida colonization was more common in prema­ture infants (p<0.05). Oral thrush was seen in 29 (24.17%) infants during the study and a significant number of these infants showed colonization from the first day of life. Conclusions: Fungal colonization of the newborns due to Candida species is quite common, and in the first week of life predominantly occurred in the ora I cavity. Superficial clinical candidiasis, especially oral thrush is more common in those colonized on the first day of life.


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How to Cite

Husain SR, Malik MA, Malik A. A Study Of Fungal Colonization In Newborn. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 1997 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];9(1):29 =- 32. Available from: https://www.iapsmupuk.org/journal/index.php/IJCH/article/view/37



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