Coverage And Efficacy Of Measles Immunization In Rural Areas Of Aligarh


  • Z Khan
  • Abida Malik
  • S Khandpal
  • Settings J Hasan


Research Problem: How effective isthemeasles immu­nization programme in rural areas? Objectives: i) To determine the vaccine coverage in eligible children. ii) To estimate the seropositivity in immunized children iii) To assess the decline in maternal antibody levels in 0 - 9 months old children. iv) To study the socio - cultural variables in the study area. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Setting: Registered villages under Rural Health Train­ing Centre (RHTC), Jawan Block, Aligarh. Participants: Children in 0 - 5 yearrs age group, from 2104 house holds by systematic random sampling. Sample size: 456 children in 0 - 5 years age group. Study Variables: Age, sex, immunization status, measles antibody, type of family, overcrowding, literacy status of parents, occupation of parents. Statistical Analysis: By proportions. Result: 0-5 years age group made up 13.7% of the population. Most of the families belonged to lowe socio-economic groups. Measles immunization coveage was 64.5% with sero conversion in 96.5% children while failure rate of ya&tyne was 3.5%. Maternal mealses antibody level showed linear decline with age from 100% at 0 - 3 months to 1 8.4% at 6 - 9 months


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How to Cite

Khan Z, Malik A, Khandpal S, Hasan SJ. Coverage And Efficacy Of Measles Immunization In Rural Areas Of Aligarh. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 1997 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];9(3):38-43. Available from:



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