Social Stigma In Leprosy


  • Mahjabeen Alam
  • M Yunus
  • A Kalam
  • M Tahseen


Leprosy is a disease associated with a strong social stigma and fear. This is due to the disfigurations and crippling which it causes, resulting in socio-eco­nomic hardships for the victims. Also, misconcep­tions and erroneous beliefs about leprosy abound, even now, and in almost all the sections of the popu­lation. The human and social impact and the age - old prejudices against the disease add insult to injury. Even the law, and media have played a very damaging role for the leprosy patients by perpetuating the stigma of leprosy. The strategy for elimination of leprosy must specially stress on the psycho-social aspects of the disease and also the rehabilitation of the leprosy patient in the home, work place and society. There is absolutely no need to regard leprosy as ‘special’ and the well - being of leprosy patients should become an integral part of the general health services of the community.


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How to Cite

Alam M, Yunus M, Kalam A, Tahseen M. Social Stigma In Leprosy. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 1997 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Oct. 23];9(3):18-20. Available from:



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